Bouncing Back from Failures- Prateek's Founder Story
Meet Prateek, a seasoned entrepreneur with 7+ years of experience. He kickstarted his career in 2015 as an e-commerce seller and having built 3+ startups till date, he's currently leading Hublle. is an official WhatsApp Business API Provider that offers brands to create custom bots on WhatsApp to interact with their audience, drive sales and boost customer experience.
What inspired you to become an entrepreneur and start your own business?
I had a clear plan to study finance in the USA, but fate had a different idea for me. I stumbled upon entrepreneurship by chance, and I quickly realized that it was my true calling. What started as a mere side hobby soon turned into a full-time business, and I embraced my entrepreneurial spirit without even realizing it.
What was your biggest challenge as a startup founder, and how did you overcome it?
As someone with a background in finance and an introverted personality, my biggest hurdle was making sales and cold calls, as I rarely engaged in conversations with others. However, I realized that there were only two options: either learn how to do it or let life teach me. Unfortunately, it was my difficult times that forced me to learn these skills, and that's how I overcame my challenges.
Can you share any exciting news or upcoming projects you are currently working on?
We are proud to say that we are currently building - the ultimate platform for creating custom WhatsApp bots. In just two months, we have successfully partnered with some of India's best institutions, helping them to significantly increase their admission rates and improve their communication strategies.
If your startup was a fictional character, what would it be and why?
It will be Deadpool - humorous, funny and strong from outside and from inside burnt with a lot of scars.
How has Razorpay Rize helped you in your journey of being a founder?
Just One word - Razorpay Rize Community - best community I have ever seen on any platform.
Find out more about Prateek and Hublle